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Hi, this is Andreea

Do you have financial difficulties or blockages that continuously manifest in your career?


Do you constantly experience states of stress, anxiety, panic or blockage?


ï‚· Do you have unsolved problems related to health, well-being, sleep, or do you feel permanently at zero energy?


ï‚·You fail to manage the area of personal relationships, to connect

"soul mate" or to become a parent, even though you've wanted to for a long time and still can't have the child you want?

All of them are based on imbalances of personal energy and of the space in which we live! No matter how much we realize it or not, the personal energetics and the space in which we unfold our lives dictate our state of health and balance most of the time.

And equally, our trajectory in life.

EN - L2 Body Code Badge - D2023.png
EN - L1 Emotion Code Badge - D2023.png

My Story

I am Andreea Sas and through energy balancing sessions I facilitate the release of blockages from

your life for which you hardly thought there were any solutions.


I use integrated energy techniques that combine principles from biogeometry, release

emotional and energetic according to the Emotion Code, Body Code, GEM Healing Method and correction methods geopathology as well as time-validated techniques athe classical schools of Feng Shui for the energy alignment of the space, but also of personal energy.


Energy balances act as a safety net that will prevent such

unfavorable events and aspects to manifest in your life, but also as a way to obtain

from life what you want!


The effects of these sessions, most of the time surprising, are not related to education or faith

religious or trust that these systems work for the respective person.

It's needed only acceptance and openness to the less tangible aspects of our lives.


The positive impact will be felt   regardless of whether it is about people, plants or animals de company.


We are all energy and we interact with everything that exists around us.


When the energy is balanced in the body, the body has the ability to return to the state of well-being and

of health, to the dynamic balance that maintains it in life.


How does it work?    Learn more about sessions.


Contact me for an appointment!

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