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Physical Health

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?


You have chronic pain, and painkillers and medications only provide short-term relief


You have leg, hip and knee pain, but you don't know why


Your stomach gives you the signal that you are affected by painful events and experiences   that you experienced in the past


You have persistent symptoms, for which you have not yet found solutions or for which the diagnosis is "disorder caused by stress"

Regardless of the nature of the challenge you are facing now, there are more than 70% chances that the real cause is emotions not properly processed throughout your life.

Try a Biogeometry, Body & Emotion Code or Energetic Clearing session to holistically approach the imbalance you are facing and to work   "from the root" the causes that generate it and make it manifest physically or emotionally in your body!


Did you know that over 80% of the diagnoses made by modern medicine are classified as "caused" by stress and have no specific explanation?



How many times, for the condition that affects your life, have you received solutions in the form of medicines, supplements that treat the effect and not the real cause of your condition?



Any pain, ailment, discomfort that affects your physical health, whether in the short or long term, represents a language, a way of communication of your body through which   it   transmits to you a warning about some imbalances that affect your conditionhomeostasis



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EN - L1 Emotion Code Badge - D2023.png
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On the website every effort has been made to accurately represent the services offered and their potential , but the results may vary   from person to person person and are not guaranteed. The information on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure physical, mental or emotional problems. Balancing personal energy  and adjusting the energetic aspects of space can help achieve energy balance in terms of health, but is not a substitute for proper medical care or obtaining  unei  assessments from  the part of a health professional.

© 2021 by Andreea Sas.

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